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The Rockbridge Baths Community Organization is neighbors hearing and helping neighbors.  We are here to serve everyone who lives in or near Rockbridge Baths. 


RBCO was formed in 2019, to pioneer a distinctive method of helping local people,

building community, sponsoring social and educational events, and encouraging

and supporting local residents. By listening to neighbors, including those who are either under-voiced

or under-served, and assessing and  identifying individual and community needs in Rockbridge Baths, the RBCO supports one-time, short-term and long-term community service projects as well as any and all services that the Board of Directors believes to be consistent with the mission of the organization.


In short- we serve. 

Jump Mountain, Rockbridge Baths, VA

Our Mission

Our Mission

In short- we serve the Community of Rockbridge Baths, through caring, support and outreach. Whether you have something to offer, or something you need- we're your home base for getting connected!


Want to get in touch? 

Submit a contact form through the website, or email


We Need Your Support Today!

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